Today, all kinds of metal, solid or liquid explosives, drugs, weapons, cutting tools, etc. passing through x-ray baggage search devices, which are preferred in order to ensure security in every area and region. It detects objects and displays the connected monitor screen and gives a warning.
You can see Powerguard x-ray baggage search devices, which can distinguish between organic and inorganic, in almost every institution in Turkey and abroad.
Our Powerguard X-ray devices produced in different sizes and sizes;
- Our 50×30 models for bag and package search
- Our 65×50 and 60×40 models for suitcase and luggage search
- Our 80×65 and 100×100 models for large cargo type search and large parcels
X-ray baggage search devices, which are especially preferred at shopping mall entrances, airports, public institutions, military institutions, plazas, educational institutions and hospital entrances, can give warnings according to the sensitivity settings, showing each item passing through it with 4 different colors.
Our Powerguard X-ray baggage search devices; It is specially designed to minimize the leakage of generated radiation (x-rays) out of the device. There are lead curtains preventing radiation at the entrances and exits of our X-ray devices. Thanks to the preventive curtains found, our X-ray devices are at a level that does not affect human health.